

Jae took me on a coldstone date like the good husband that he is 
 and we got my favorite to share - cake batter ice cream with brownies and fudge. mmmmmmmmmm.

our yard is finally looking decent (mostly thanks to Jae). 
not good. but decent.
(we still need all new grass...)

our pack 'n play came in the mail and i set it up all by myself!
(yes, it literally took me & my pregnant brain over an hour to do it. whatevs.)

 i started making this wreath about 6 months ago.
i finally finished it and hung it on our door. don't look too closely - i'm no crafter!
but hey, i'm just impressed it's finally done and up.

 snagged these two sweet vases at a garage sale for $4 total. nice.

one of three books i'm currently reading.
interesting reading, for sure!

we finally got these pictures we brought back from China hung up. one had shattered glass from the trip home, so we got the glass replaced and got them hung. it's not quite finished - we plan to get a shelf to put in the middle there and will add a couple more things. but at least they're finally up!
(our office is asian-themed. that new red/black vase i just got? going in here too!)

so many projects, so little time.

by the way, have i mentioned that two of our couple friends from our neighborhood are also expecting their first babies this year? (us in october, one in november, one in december. how fun!)
we went on a tri-couple date this past weekend....got some good pizza, our first shaved ice of the season, and made a fire to roast s'mores to end the night.
did i remember to bring my camera??
did i take even one single picture the whole night??
nope. sure didn't.


  1. What a cute pack n play!! Little missy H is one lucky girl to be coming to your family :). Loved this update!

  2. Mara, you are so cute. I like your wreath :) I am the exact same way with my camera. I bring it all the time, but never take any pictures. I need a smart phone.

  3. The yard and house are looking great! I love how summer just brings out the "Let's do a project!" in all of us :)

    Love the Pack n Play, btw--super cute!
