
came & went

was yesterday really Easter?? man, this weekend seemed to fly by faster than they usually do. i realized, while looking at others' fun Easter weekend pictures, that Jae and i didn't even dye any eggs, or participate in any egg hunts or anything. what lame-o's we are!

late friday night, we bought a new truck! we traded in Jae's F150 for a ginormous F350 diesel. it's loud. anyway, then saturday morning, we were both up by 730am and just running all day after that. busy, busy day. my sister and her kids came over to my house saturday to dye eggs, but i barely had time to say hello and run out the door, much less actually hang out and participate. and jae was working, so he definitely didn't get in on any of the fun.

Sunday was a nice day, nontheless. Jae had to work again (boooo) but he did get off around 330pm instead of 5, so that was a little bit better than nothing, i suppose. i got to go to church and play fun Easter songs in primary and feel the beautiful Easter spirit in sac. meeting. we had dinner with my parents and headed up to my sister's for dessert and more Easter baskets. oh, which reminds me, the Easter bunny brought Jae and i hula-hoops this year along with our basket of goodies. awesome!

unfortunately, in all the rush of the weekend, i didn't take any pictures. i will post a pic or two of the big new beast (aka the new truck) soon...

happy day after Easter :)


  1. yeah, vince and i hadn't dyed eggs together the whole time we've been married until this year -- and we only did it because his sis invited us over. but it was fun! can't wait to see the beast :)

  2. Yeah, Matt and I didn't do anything...unless you count spending 11 hours straight on Saturday painting our new apartment as a fun Easter activity...

    At least Sunday was restful though. Just as it should be :)
