
looking forward.

we were over at my parents house a couple of weeks ago, talking to them about schedules and work and gracie and family and other various things. my mom said something to me that really made me stop and think. then, the other day, as we were celebrating new years and i was pondering on a new family and/or personal theme for this next year of our lives, again i thought of what my mother had said to me. it was one of those duh moments - that is exactly what i want and need to keep in mind during this next year (and every year after..).

make it count.

 it has been a really hard decision for jae and i to have me go back to work since having gracie. we've talked about it and thought about it and listed all the pros and cons many times over, trying to figure out what the right thing to do is. this topic has been a constant prayer in my head for the last few weeks. few months, really. i know many people that have been working momma's and stay at home momma's, and i've talked to a lot of them about this. but what it really came down to is what works for our family.

after much back and forth, here i am - back at work. i am part time now, only working 3 days a week. i am very grateful for that. but i also know i am missing out. i'm missing time with my little babe that i won't get back. sure, there are reasons why this could be a good thing - gracie gets more time with her grandmas and her aunts, and even her daddy. but it's hard to shake the sadness i'm feeling being away from her.

that's where this theme comes in. my mantra for the year. i need to make this time count. the days i'm at work - i need to make sure the money i am making truly counts for something for our little family. keep the bigger picture in mind and don't make a waste of the money i'm making for the hours i'm at work. and then at the other end of the spectrum - the time i'm at home. the time i'm with my sweet girl. i need to take advantage of those moments (both the crying ones and the smiling ones!). i have been so blessed. i've been given this great life with a great husband and amazing daughter and i don't want to waste it.


  1. I love this motto. And I know you'll succeed at living it! Best of luck to you returning to work, friend.

  2. Love this! Good work my dear. You are an excellent Mother, I can tell.

  3. This is a great post! I think you have such a cute family and this post just makes me smile.

  4. Love this. I'm excited to see what 2014 has in store for you. :)
